join our listSign up on our mailing list to receive updates for future events. Why sign up?We use our website to promote major upcoming events and festivals. However, there are a lot of other great events going on, and sometimes communicating via email makes more sense. We help distill information from all of the organizations out there. This means you only have to subscribe to one list, manja's, instead of twenty. Occasionally, we have access to special events or discounts to special screenings/performances that we'd like to make available to our list.
What's the traffic like?We'll send out event announcements as they become available (about once or twice a month) and occasionally send you an email keeping you posted on what's going on with us. The fine printWe don't like getting spam, so we don't expect that you like to, either. We promise not to sell or give away your email or any other personally identifiable information that you give us, nor will we attempt to collect information about you without your consent. Using RSS?